National Aeronautics and Space Administrion

Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many nonaerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general. Perhaps more importantly, our exploration of space has taught us to view Earth, ourselves, and the universe in a new way. While the tremendous technical and scientific accomplishments of NASA demonstrate vividly that humans can achieve previously inconceivable feats, we also are humbled by the realization that Earth is just a tiny "blue marble" in the cosmos. Check out our "Thinking About NASA History" folder online as an introduction to how history can help you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Space Stations

Webrner von Brain was one of the architect of the American Space Program. He helped bring space stations into NASA (National Aeronomic and Space Association) and ESA(European Space Association) future. Articles and pictures helped bring this in the future as well.

In order to bring this idea into reality artificial gravity needed to be brought into reality as well. Ships with cargo and people would travel into the station. These ships would be a transfer from Earth as well as other planets.

The US as well as Russia have had orbiting space stations since 1941. The first was Russian Salyut program, then the US Skylab and finally the Russian Meir. Since 1988, NASA, ESA, and Russia, Canada, Japan as well as other countries have been building as well as operating the International Space Station or ISS for 10 years.

Beyond Our Solor System
The Solor System is at least two lightyears from one end to the other. In the entire galaxy there are 200 billion stars. The galaxy is estimated to be 100,000 lightyears across. There are 90 billion visible stars within the universe.

Why build Space Stations?
The most popular reasons to build a space station is for research, industry, exploration and tourism. The first space stations were made to study weightlessness long term effects. Space stations are also a place to do cutting edge in a new environment. Crystals formed within space are altogether formed within space are altogether different than the ones formed on Earth. These can increase the speed of computers as well as change the way drugs are formed and a whole lot more. Microgravity could also change the way fire is formed.

Space stations offer unique views of our planet, and also increase our chances for finding life; by searching from different angles then it is possible here on Earth. Atmospheric interferance isn't a factor in space. Advantages have already been seen from unmanned space telescopes, such as Hubble Space Telescope.

Space Stations might even be used for hotels. Virgin Galactic could transport consumers to and from Earth. Galactic Suites, which is a company based out of Barselonia, Spain; led by engineer Xavier Calramunt is planning a space hotel going up in 2012. Space stations could eventually become ports for space expeditions to planets as well as stars as well as cities which could relieve an overpopulated planet.

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