National Aeronautics and Space Administrion

Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many nonaerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general. Perhaps more importantly, our exploration of space has taught us to view Earth, ourselves, and the universe in a new way. While the tremendous technical and scientific accomplishments of NASA demonstrate vividly that humans can achieve previously inconceivable feats, we also are humbled by the realization that Earth is just a tiny "blue marble" in the cosmos. Check out our "Thinking About NASA History" folder online as an introduction to how history can help you.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Galactic Alignment Intergration

An amazing feat happened December 21, 2012. All planets, the Sun and Moons were in perfect alignment. This only occurs every 5125 years. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Size of the Universe

No one actually knows the exact size of the universe. NASA guess is 30 billion lightyears across, with a size of 10 to the 60th kilograms. It has a mass that would fit one billion cubic lightyears.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mars Rover back in action

On August 6, 2012 Curiosity shall arrive on Mars. This is a new rover that shall be aboard the Mars Science Laboratory. Its journey shall start on Gale Crater, a ninety six mile indentation on the surface of Mars. It has the power of a million lightbulbs to see 25 or more feet in the.distance.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

String Theory

We are approaching understanding Einsteins Theory of Relativity. This is one way of String Theory, which led to the finding of vibrations within the universe. Dark energy ditates that different big bangs coincides to other big bangs. This makes extra dimensional features possible.


A multiverse may exist. Gravity is speeding up the expansion of the universe. Dark energy is the culprit of this.

Space Mirrors

How do space mirrors work?
Will space mirrors be able to cool the planet? These huge mirrors are being put in space by thousands of satellites to help cool our environment and reverse the cause of global warming. These will also be a very clean source of electricity

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Giant Black Hole kicked out of home galaxy

How rude! Where will the poor blackhole go?

Astronomers discovered that a blackhole is being ejected from its home galaxy. Traveling several million kilometers per second, it goes and goes and goes.

The reason why it is being kicked out from its galaxy is because it collided with another black hole. This caused it to blast from its galaxy.

Big Bird on the Sun

NASA spies coronol hole that looks like Sesame Street Fave

On June 1, 2012 an image of Sesame Street beloved character Big Bird was found on the Sun. It was discovered by NASA Solor Dynamic Observatory.

This is formed by a coronal hole associated with open magnetic field lines. These lines extend into interplanetary space. These shall reach Earth by June 5th to June 7th.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dragon Spacecraft

This spacecraft launched May 22, 2012. This is the first test flight to Meir, the International Space Station.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy birthday Hubble

Hubbles went up April 24, 1989. It cost a total of 1.5 billion dollars to correct a mirror. Its mirror was not put in correctly. The spaceship Endevour went up to correct this in 1993.

Hubble gave a birthday present to us of photos of Terantula Nebula, which is a space nursery (NGC 2070). NGC 2070 is less then three million years old.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Will Space Tourism ever become a reality?

In 2001, Dennis Tito, paid $20 million to become the first tourist in space. The first vacation in space lasted seven days in 2002. Seven people have vacationed on the International Space Station so far.

In 2012 Virgin Galactic start being the first space tourism ship ferrying people back and forth in space. The maximum speed so far is Mach 3, about 33,000 miles. The Bigalow Aerospace will provide the first orbiting space station, which will be inflatable. This space station will begin its flight in 2014. As early as 2016 we may see people staying in this space station.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Differing star catologs

Stars are found and put into order. However many of the stars are in more then one catolog as their catologs are similar. Now there are so far four catologs made up. The first catolog is NGC which.stands for the New General Catolog. The second one is known as UGC which is an abbreviation for Uppsala General Catalog. The next one is PGC which is Principle Galaxy Catolog. The last one is 2C which is the second Cambridge catolog of radio.sources.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Andromeda galaxy

The Andromeda galaxy is 2.6 lightyears away. It is also known as Messier 31, NGC 454, PGC 2556 or NGC 224. It is also is a Nebula. It is the nearest Spiral Galaxy, however not closest Galaxy.
The largest galaxy near us
Triangulum galaxy and 30 smaller galaxiesMilky Way contains most dark matter out of these galaxy
The Spitzer Telescope found these galaxies.

Monday, April 9, 2012


These are also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges. Einstein postulated wormholes curvatures in space-time. They exist in something known as Cosmic Foam according to Stephan Hawking. Cosmic foam is the smallest substance within the universe.

Tiny blackholes blink in and out of the universe. They are too small and brief be seen. Cosmic Strings, which Richard Gott had proposed in 1991, weave throughout the universe.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Gravity off the Grid

Julian Barbour added to Einsteins theory of relativity.Gravity results from theory. Dark matter and energy fill in the 96% that the theory doesn't cover. Scientists have not taken an interest in this. They haven't because Julien wants to totally remap the universe by it. In 1975 joined with Bruno Bertotti a physicist. They developed "best-matching" motion of object measured by distance gone rather that change on grid. In 1982 they came up with new theory of relativity.

Back in the 1970s astronomers realized outer parts of galaxies were rotating faster-pulled by more gravity dark matter came in again. Hans Westman, Sydney university physicist, analyzed forgotten theory developed by German mathematician, Hermann Weyl. Astronomers now have much evidence that dark matter exists it will take a great deal to prove otherwise.

David Wiltshire, from University of Cantenberry, in New Zealand, thinks the illusion of dark matter is mysterious time is only relative to location there is no Universal time. Sean Gryb, joined by Tim Loslowski, were set to find Barbours mistake but that never happened.
In 2008 Barbour won official research grant.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


The Milky Way, our galaxy, is a barred spiral galaxy. Andromeda, which is our neighboring galaxy, is 2.5 million lightyears away, is a spiral galaxy as well. There are eliptical galaxies as well. Quasars, these look like stars,however they are active galaxies as well. There are an infinite number of galaxies. The afore mentioned are only a few.

Most galaxies contain a supermassive blackhole in the center.


Nebula are clouds of gas and dust however mostly hydrogen.They either occur in stars births or deaths. The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant and has at least 1054 flares. Some are star emissions that glow. Nebula are generally reflective, dark and form planetary rings.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Open clusters and globular clusters are spread throughout space. They are both two types of star clusters. The major difference is how tightly they are packed together. Open clusters are more like countrsides, where everything is relaxed and spreadout. While globular clusters are more like star cities, where everything is tightly packed and close together.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Surprise Astronomers spot life on Earth

The moon reflects everything that is on the Earth. Michael Sterzik of the European Observatory used a telescope in Chile to study this moonshine. This will sure make our finding of life that.much harder.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Space Stations

Webrner von Brain was one of the architect of the American Space Program. He helped bring space stations into NASA (National Aeronomic and Space Association) and ESA(European Space Association) future. Articles and pictures helped bring this in the future as well.

In order to bring this idea into reality artificial gravity needed to be brought into reality as well. Ships with cargo and people would travel into the station. These ships would be a transfer from Earth as well as other planets.

The US as well as Russia have had orbiting space stations since 1941. The first was Russian Salyut program, then the US Skylab and finally the Russian Meir. Since 1988, NASA, ESA, and Russia, Canada, Japan as well as other countries have been building as well as operating the International Space Station or ISS for 10 years.

Beyond Our Solor System
The Solor System is at least two lightyears from one end to the other. In the entire galaxy there are 200 billion stars. The galaxy is estimated to be 100,000 lightyears across. There are 90 billion visible stars within the universe.

Why build Space Stations?
The most popular reasons to build a space station is for research, industry, exploration and tourism. The first space stations were made to study weightlessness long term effects. Space stations are also a place to do cutting edge in a new environment. Crystals formed within space are altogether formed within space are altogether different than the ones formed on Earth. These can increase the speed of computers as well as change the way drugs are formed and a whole lot more. Microgravity could also change the way fire is formed.

Space stations offer unique views of our planet, and also increase our chances for finding life; by searching from different angles then it is possible here on Earth. Atmospheric interferance isn't a factor in space. Advantages have already been seen from unmanned space telescopes, such as Hubble Space Telescope.

Space Stations might even be used for hotels. Virgin Galactic could transport consumers to and from Earth. Galactic Suites, which is a company based out of Barselonia, Spain; led by engineer Xavier Calramunt is planning a space hotel going up in 2012. Space stations could eventually become ports for space expeditions to planets as well as stars as well as cities which could relieve an overpopulated planet.

Monday, March 26, 2012


They are basically smaller than meteors. Comets are composed of ices, dust and rocky debris carried from the early formation of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.Comets are remnants from the cold, outer regions of the solar system. They are generally thought to come from two areas - the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. Both of these are areas where materials left over from the formation of our solar system have condensed into icy objects. Both regions extend  beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto but are still part of our solar system and much closer to us than the closest star. Haley Bopp will return  Comets are composed of ices, dust and rocky debris carried from the early formation of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.

Comets are remnants from the cold, outer regions of the solar system. They are generally thought to come from two areas - the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. Both of these are areas where materials left over from the formation of our solar system have condensed into icy objects. Both regions extend beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto but are still part of our solar system and much closer to us than the closest star in 4380.

The most recent comet
Mcnought, appeared September 7, 2006. In 1993 Shoemaker-Levy fragmented and dissolved in Jupiters atmosphere leaving Jupiters "Big Black Eye."

Encke-shortest orbital period 3.3 years around sun. The way this travels is an extremely elongated orbit. This may contain materials ancient to Earth. It even could have delivered water. Oort cloud is yet another group. Most comets generally have heart frozen mass of ice size of mountains. The reason why its tale is icy is because the ice melts and forms glowy tail. NASAs Stardust was the first to visit a  comet and return in 2006.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Meteors are cosmic debris. They are the dust shed by comets as they go by. They have only been seen as going up to 45 mph, so far.

Showers that occur in August are known as Persied showers, for the fact that they take place near the Persied Constellation. 

Many meteorite make up a meteor shower. However there are meteors unlinked to the showers are called sporadics.

In December there is a shower which is known as a Geminids because it is located close to the Gemini Constellation. Some showers are like that and named after the star or constellation they.are near.

Meteor observing is ideal for people who are just beginning, but could, at the same time, get very scientific. Meteor appearance takes time, so patience is required. Their brightness, color and speed take time. They may appear by themselves or be in a group. Zenith Hourly Rate (ZHR) are the exact exact rates the meteors have traveled across the sky. The last time the Earth past through a meteor storm was 1999.

They are basically smaller than meteors. Comets are composed of ices, dust and rocky debris carried from the early formation of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.

Comets are remnants from the cold, outer regions of the solar system. They are generally thought to come from two areas - the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. Both of these are areas where materials left over from the formation of our solar system have condensed into icy objects. Both regions extend  beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto but are still part of our solar system and much closer to us than the closest star.

Haley Bopp will return 2161. Comets are composed of ices, dust and rocky debris carried from the early formation of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.

Comets are remnants from the cold, outer regions of the solar system. They are generally thought to come from two areas - the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. Both of these are areas where materials left over from the formation of our solar system have condensed into icy objects. Both regions extend beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto but are still part of our solar system and much closer to us than the closest star in 4380.

The most recent comet.September 7, 2006
Mcnought appeared

1993 Shoemaker-Levy fragmented and dissolved in Jupiters atmosphere leaving Jupiters "Big Black Eye"

Encke-shortest orbital period 3.3 years around sun

Travels extremely elongated orbits

Contain materials ancient to Earth

Could have delivered water

Oort cloud is yet another group

Heart frozen mass of ice size of mountains

Ice melts, forms glowy tail

NASAs Stardust was the first to visit comet and return in 2006

Thursday, March 22, 2012


On August 15, 1977 there was a signal that was heard from space. It was called the WOW signal. It was heard from a telescope of SETI. SETI stands for the Search for Extraterrestrial life. This program began in 1959.

The WOW signal was recieved by Dr. Jerry Herman from Ohio State University on the Big Ear Telescope. It was a 72 second radio transmission.

Now SETI is both a well as a group. Sagon Research Institute is just one of the sites. It was where the signal was recieved.

Stars suitable for life are found about 40 times a year, and 50% of these may in habit life as we know it. However, only 10% may have the ability of intelligent life.

There are three challenges for SETI. One is to organize itself. Two, is that there is a huge sky to cover and funding is low.  Three is the limit of light at separate times.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


On August 24, Pluto was demoted as a planet. The reason was the size. They found 800 icy planets, similar to Pluto. It has a diameter of 15,000 miles, which makes it smaller then a moon.

Pluto takes 248 of Earths years to complete a rotation around the sun. It has three moons: Charon, Nix and Hydra. In 2015 NASA, New Horizon is gone to be to explore Pluto as well as the Kuiper Belt.


On September 23,1846, Neptune was discovered by Gohann Gottfied Galle. It is 2.8 billion miles from the sun. It takes 164 years to orbit the sun. It does have some faint rings. It has two main moons called Triton and Nereid and 11 smaller ones.

Tritan is Neptunes biggest moon. Its diameter is 1680 miles. It orbit is the wrong way. This moon is circling Neptune and will eventually shatter.

Neried is the third largest moon of Neptune only 211 miles across. It is also known as Neptune II.


Uranus was spotted in 1781 by William Hershal. It' axis has a 98 degree tilt. It is 32,000 miles wide. It is 18,000 million miles from the sun. It has an 84 year journey around the sun while its day is only 17 1/4 hours long. It has five moons which are Ariel, Umbriel, Oberon, Titania and Miranda. It has 22 smaller moons which were discovered thus far. There are rings discovered found around Uranus.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Saturn has an 11 hour day. Its equator has a diameter of 74,898 miles. It is squashed at the poles as much as Jupiter is. Its rings are seen by any telescope as the most striking feature.

Galileo was the first to see the rings in 1610. The biggest ring has a 2,485 mile diameter. The total of the rings are unknown. They are held together by the pull of Saturn's gravity.

Saturn is the first gas giant in the Solid System. It has a great white spot differing great red spot. However its great white only appears every 30 years.

In 2004, Cassini went up and increased our knowledge greatly, it was a NASA/ESA mission. It witnessed odd storms at the poles. The southern storm is 2/3 the size of Earth. The northern storm is uniquely hexagonal shaped. While 56 satellites were discovered, six of them are studied as of yet.

The six moons of Saturn are; Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, and Titan. Mimas has massive craters on it. It was first observed by Hershal in 1978. Its diameter is 246 miles. The width of Enceladus is 700 miles. Its surface is of vast water-ice. Tethys is an icy world. Its diameter is 665 miles. Tethys is an icy world. It has a diameter of 665 miles. Odysseus is its largest crater with a diameter of 250 miles. Dion has only a 700 mile width, and is mostly made of water ice. Rhea is the second largest moon with a 950 mile.diameter. Titan is the second largest moon in the whole universe. It has a diameter of 32 miles, which is larger then Mercury.

Titan could have an underground sea. It has a 60 mile wide chasm, which is 1240 miles long. In essence it is like a young Earth. In pictures the atmosphere of Titan appears an orange haze.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Saturn has an 11 hour day. Its equator has a diameter of 74,898 miles. It is squashed at the poles as much as Jupiter is. Its rings are seen by any telescope as the most striking feature.

Galileo was the first to see the rings in 1610. The biggest ring has a 2,485 mile diameter. The total of the rings are unknown. They are held together by the pull of Saturn's gravity.

Saturn is the first gas giant in the Solid System. It has a great white spot differing great red spot. However its great white only appears every 30 years.

In 2004, Cassini went up and increased our knowledge greatly, it was a NASA/ESA mission. It witnessed odd storms at the poles. The southern storm is 2/3 the size of Earth. The northern storm is uniquely hexagonal shaped. While 56 satellites were discovered, six of them are studied as of yet.

The six moons of Saturn are; Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, and Titan. Mimas has massive craters on it. It was first observed by Hershal in 1978. Its diameter is 246 miles. The width of Enceladus is 700 miles. Its surface is of vast water-ice. Tethys is an icy world. Its diameter is 665 miles. Tethys is an icy world. It has a diameter of 665 miles. Odysseus is its largest crater with a diameter of 250 miles. Dion has only a 700 mile width, and is mostly made of water ice. Rhea is the second largest moon with a 950 mile.diameter. Titan is the second largest moon in the whole universe. It has a diameter of 32 miles, which is larger then Mercury.

Titan could have an underground sea. It has a 60 mile wide chasm, which is 1240 miles long. In essence it is like a young Earth. In pictures the atmosphere of Titan appears an orange haze.


Jupiter lies 485 million miles from the sun. It is one of the brightest planets. The light from Jupiter 40 minutes to reach us.The rotation is under 10 hours.This king of planets has an equator of 88,680 miles and is the first gas giant within our Splits System. Pole to pole it is 83,260 miles, which makes it look like a pumpkin.

Jupiters colored bands are because of the winds that are on it. It's one of the noisest objects in sky. Scientists believe it is shrinking. It has 63 moons, 4 of which are huge.  Calisto, Europa, and Io are the and Ganymede. They are known as Galilean Satilities because Galileo discovered them in 1610. Ganymede is the biggest moon in the Splits System. It has a diameter of 2996 miles. It appears to be like a pizza. It's the most volcanically active world.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So poisonous, yet so like earth; Venus even has an atmosphere. Its climate went out of control. It is now heavy.with sulfur. Its temperature is just as crazy, it is 400 degrees, which is warmer then a conventional oven.

Venus is a total of 68 million miles from the sun, and rotates in the opposite direction. It has 224.7 days in a year and 243 hours within a day.

The surface is enveloped by vast clouds, that reflects 60% of both sunlight and heat. It's condition is a vast greenhouse. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times that of Earths. It mainly contains CO2 and Nitrogen.

The Soviet Union "Venera" probe in 1961, which plunged back in the atmosphere in 1994. Magellin went into orbit in 1990. This allowed maps to be made.

Ishtar Terra and Aphrodite Terra are the only two continents on Venus. In total they have 167 active volcanoes. The planet also has nearly 1000 impact craters.

In 2006 the Europe launched the Venus Express. It got many pictures of Venus, even one of the double vortex of the storm over the South Pole, which is only visible in clear skies in the daylight in clear skies.


Jupiter lies 485 million miles from the sun. It is one of the brightest planets. The light from Jupiter 40 minutes to reach us.The rotation is under 10 hours.This king of planets has an equator of 88,680 miles and is the first gas giant within our Splits System. Pole to pole it is 83,260 miles, which makes it look like a pumpkin.

Jupiters colored bands are because of the winds that are on it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Our atmosphere is our safety net  from hundreds of millions of asteroids. We have a space in our Solor System known as the asteroid belt, which is probably the reason most of us steer clear of us. This cosmic freeway is all the way between Mars and as far as Jupiter.

This asteroid belt was discovered in the 18th century, by a group of astronomers nicknamed "celestial police," as they were in search for a missing planet. The largest asteroid found within this belt has a diameter of 590 miles and orbits the sun about every four in a half year.

The asteroid rate of detection is about 5000 a month. They do not combine because of gravitational forces. Jupiter has rings of asteroids orbiting it. Jupiters orbiting asteroid belt is known as Trojans. While the whole orbital structure is known as the Lagrangian points.

In 2006, they were renamed Solar System bodies. Ceres was promoted to a dwarf planet. Asteroids have a catalog numbers, which organizes them. Probes have given us more of a first look so far. Some asteroids can easily be seen by a telescope.

Astronomy 101

The view we have of the sky constantly changes. It is like we are in a goldfish bowl, spinning around, in constant motion. Everything seems as though it is moving, because we are on a ball that is enormous. It is known as the celestial sphere.

This creates a celestial grid. Lines that join the grid are measured in time and are known as right ascentions while parallel are known as Declinations and are measured in degrees. The line directly above the equator is the celestial equator and is 0 degrees. Northern position are positive and southern are negative and the highest degree they both have are 90.


It's the closest planet from the sun, at only 36 million miles. Only one space probe has visited Mercury 30 year ago. It experiences a drastic contrast in temperature, the side facing the sun is a whooping 800 degrees, while the side away is a detrimental -2900 degrees.

It has some reflective areas which are probablyice from meteors.  Some of Mercurys never recieve any sunlight.

The length of its day is 59 of Earth days while its year is only 88 days. It has a ninety degree axis, which means it does only have one season.

Mercury has large amounts of iron which explains it red color. Caloris Basin is the ring of mountain, which is in many of the pictures of Mercury. The mountains are 807 miles high. Europe and Japan plan to have a joint mission to Mercury in 2013.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Mars is a much smaller, red version of the Earth. The most probes have visited it, out of all the planets in our Solor System and they still do. Mars has a diameter of 4, 222 miles.
Mars has a rocky crust as well as unbreathable methane atmosphere, which is Methane gas. The crust is red from the rust it has.

It's day is 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth. It has a year which is twice as long. Mars has a 25 degree tilt. This planet haso water reserves left from a few of the astroids. The largest mountain is called Olympia Mons. It has the biggest volcano range.

An area near the equator has a frozen sea. Water is still present on Mars. The poles hold enough water to cover the planet with 36 feet. The moons appear to be trapped by the magnetic core. One moon, Phobos, is 16.8 feet long, while the other, Deimos is 9.3 miles long.

Friday, March 9, 2012


This star is ours. It is about 854,590 miles in diameter. It is 50 times the size of Jupiter. 10 million earths could fit within it. It has 7,000 million tons of hydrogen which turns into helium every second.

This star burns like a furnace. The core could have a temperature of at least 60,000,000 degrees. The surface is called the photosphere. It gets acne which is called a Sunspots. Facvlea are bright rivers within the sun. Coronal mass ejections hurl vast amounts of energy into space.


The moon is the only natural satellite that the Earth has. Its landscape has barely changed in over one million years. It's 240,000 miles from the earth. The diameter is only 2160 miles. It has ice from comet impacts.

The moon has 6% of the amount of gravity that the earth has. Soil is on the moon. It is called "regolith." This is a Greek term, which means unconsolidated, residual and transported material that overlays solid rock.

It's rotation varys, because of its oval orbit. It varys from 25-10,000 miles from Earth. By the year 2020 NASA as well as ESA (European Space Association), plan to have a base there.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What if a blackhole formed near our Solor System?

<p>Surviving a near miss with a blackhole is like surviving the Titanic. You would freeze to death, if you survived the crash. You would be in the unknown. This would be exciting to some, and scare others to death. </p>
<p>They are the most fearsome phenomena within the universe. In essence, they a gigantic vaccum within space time. Our sun would never become one, for it is to small.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Could One of these Planets be the Home of ET

The most Earth like planets are often not the most welcoming for life. There doesn't have to be water as we know it present.

Titan, Mars then Gliese 581D filial Earth in ability to support life. Titan has a vast lake of liquid hydrocarbons and has a surface temperature of negative 300 degees.

Gleise 581D is the only exo-solor planet astronomers consider Earth-like because it is rocky and orbits a cool dim star.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Like no other planet

Scientist find a world like no other. It's a steamy waterworld, which was discovered in 2009. It's in the area of space GJ1214b.

This planet is as light and airy as Styrofoam but as dense as iron. It orbits two suns in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

Its size is 2.7 times Earth's diameter. It weighs 7 times as much. The star it orbits is red dwarf, at 1.2 million miles.away. It is a whopping 446 degrees. It's composed of a water like substance, that can withstand that heat. It's surface represent our world, for it has a lot more liquid than rock. This planet once experienced earth like temperatures and it formed from a star where water ice.was plentiful.

The James Webb telescope, which is to be launched in 2018 will let us see it better. The high temperature and pressure create hot ice and.superfluid water which are completely alien to us.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Supernovas and Stardust

Supernovas and Stardust

A supernova is the biggest event in the universe. They take place vast distances from Earth. There a way we see our connection.

A supernova occurs when a star runs out of fuel and emploeds on itself or when it links inself with neighbouring stars and also causes a blackhole to occur. It is the grandest display of a lifecycle. The supernovas make the equivalent of energy, as the stars whole life. The good thing is understanding that these materials are a part of us.

There is a shockwave that shoots out of a star when it explodes. Compressed gas and space triggers this shockwave. We start seeing spiraling effects of materials being expelled from the dying star. This recycles the energy within the universe. These little bits of dust begin a process called ecreation.

The snowball effect takes off causing it to grow enormous eventually forming stars, planets or moons. It then collapses to the size of the Earth and smaller still within about a second.

Think about how many star elements have went nova to create your body. It is estimated that at least 93% of your body is stardust.

Mars and Earth have a ping-pong game going on with materials which is known as pan-spermia. We are a significant part of the cosmos. To end this I have a quote from Carl Sagan
"Matter is much older then life. Billions of years before the Sun and Earth even formed, atoms were being synthesized in the insides of hot stars and they returned to space when the stars blew themselves up. Newly formed planets were made out of the stellar debris, and Earth and every living thing, are made of star stuff."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Virgin Galactic: 200,000 Ticket to ride

Record executives want to send JZ and Beyonce to space to simply make a music video. The idea itself is of historical value. It sounds off the wall now, because now there is nothing to really compare to it.

Space tourism is actually a real concept. This concept is actually in the making. This puts some competition within the governments for the funding of the space programs.

6.2 miles is the "carmen line," where the atmosphere ends and space begins. 470 tickets have already been sold, without an actual date being set. It's the first sub-orbital flight which is pretty ground breaking.

The director of X-men is going up with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolee, along with Stephan Hawkings, Selma Hiat, and Tom Hanks. Surprisingly William Shatner is not going. A plane will take the passengers to a mothership, 300,000 feet above the Earth.

It cost 20,000 to reserve a ticket and 200,000 to go. You will need 3days of G force training. It will take 150 minutes to fly. It is very stressful on the body, as you hurdle through space at the speed of light within 30 seconds.

Space tourism is becoming the next big thing. When you see the Earth out side the window you see how inter-connected we all are. A good comparison is to the flight of a shuttlecock in badmitten.