National Aeronautics and Space Administrion

Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many nonaerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general. Perhaps more importantly, our exploration of space has taught us to view Earth, ourselves, and the universe in a new way. While the tremendous technical and scientific accomplishments of NASA demonstrate vividly that humans can achieve previously inconceivable feats, we also are humbled by the realization that Earth is just a tiny "blue marble" in the cosmos. Check out our "Thinking About NASA History" folder online as an introduction to how history can help you.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


"The highest mountain known to man is on an asteroid called Vesta. Measuring a whopping 22km in height, it is three times as tall as Mount Everest!"

Insights of Mysterious Phenomenon

"Scientists may soon uncover new insights about some of the most mysterious phenomena in our universe with the help of the newly launched Euclid mission. Built and managed by the European Space Agency, Euclid will use a suite of instruments developed, in part, by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to explore the curious nature of dark energy and dark matter along with their role in the expansion and acceleration of our universe."

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


"Japan's SLIM lunar lander is back online and transmitting data."

Completely Unknown Object

"“Astronomers discover a completely unknown object floating around in space” is a common news theme, but it’s fun every time."

Sunday, January 28, 2024

James Webb Discovery

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Egg Shaped Galaxy

"NASA has shared an image of a pair of galaxies that look like a penguin and its egg millions of light-years from Earth."

Ingenuity Mars Helicopter

"NASA’s history-making Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has ended its mission at the Red Planet after surpassing expectations and making dozens more flights than planned."

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Expanding Universe

"Astronomers have known for decades that the universe is expanding. When they use telescopes to observe faraway galaxies, they see that these galaxies are moving away from Earth."

Saturday, January 20, 2024


"Japan successfully became the fifth nation to land on the moon on Friday (Jan. 19), when the country's robotic Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon (SLIM) successfully descended to the lunar surface at 10:20 a.m. EST (or 12:20 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20 in Japan)."

Robotic Smart Lander

"Japan successfully became the fifth nation to land on the moon on Friday (Jan. 19), when the country's robotic Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon (SLIM) successfully descended to the lunar surface at 10:20 a.m. EST (or 12:20 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20 in Japan)."

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Radio Telescope

"The most sensitive image ever of a globular cluster – and the deepest, most detailed radio image ever produced by an Australian radio telescope – has thrown up a surprise."

Monday, January 15, 2024


Snapple Real Fact #1694: Astronauts at the International Space Station see 16 sunrises and sunsets every day.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Artemis missions

"NASA announced today that its next two crewed Artemis missions to the Moon have been set back at least a year."

NASA’S plan

"America's plan to send its first lander to the Moon since 1972 has ended prematurely after the private owner and operator of the robotic Peregrine spacecraft announced that a massive propellant leak has made a lunar landing impossible."

Monday, January 8, 2024


Saturday, January 6, 2024


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Quantum Mechanics

"In quantum mechanics, it is impossible to know both exactly where you are and exactly where you are going."